Recipe for College Success: 5 Unusual Tested Tips

As I was baking a devil food chocolate cake for a birthday party one summer, a thought occurred to me. It was one of those moments where a light bulb goes off (just like in the cartoons!). Sometimes that happens in the car driving, in the shower, on a walk. On this day it happened while baking a cake in my sunny kitchen.

The kitchen was a mess from baking. The measuring cups were scattered about, a few mixing spoons covered in chocolate dirtying up the counter, and the ingredients covering the remaining open counter space; Flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder… the list goes on! 

The problem I was tossing around in my brain during my cake making was; how can I help my academically struggling students get excited about finding their tools for success? How could I help them understand that, after testing out a few different tools, there will be one combination of tools that will work perfectly for their college success. Like a recipe for success.

The light bulb moment was just that metaphor- a recipe for college success! Here is what I came up with; the recipe for your perfect dish of college success is based on many ingredients you’ve tested throughout your life. You hold on to the ingredients that work for you and toss out any ingredients that don’t.

That cake baking day was years ago, and since then I have used this metaphore a hundred times or more. It always seems to hit home. I find it helps students realize that finding success is about trying different strategies for success, finding what works, and repeating what works. That is why I am sharing this story, and my tips, with you! Once you have found your recipe, college becomes a piece of cake (pun intended). 

Below I discuss five unusual and time tested tips. These tips are proven to increase the likelihood of your college success. Try out one or all five of the tips below! The key to finding your recipe to success is trying different strategies to find the ones that work. There is one secret ingredient you must always have in your recipe! Keep reading to find out!

So here we go -

1: Admit When You Need Help and Ask for It:

The most successful college students are those that are willing to admit when they need help and take the second step to finding that help. Finding and utilizing help comes in many forms:

  • Going to a professor's office hours to ask for one on one help understanding the material

  • Getting a tutor through your college’s tutoring services (which I am sure that they have, just Google it!)

  • Utilizing help centers on campus such as a writing or math center

  • Seeking out counseling services if you are having emotional struggles

  • Finding or forming a study group

  • Asking a librarian for help finding reference, citing sources, or other general support

Admitting when you need help and asking for it is crucial for life. No one person is an expert at everything. Being able to utilize the resources around you to solve problems can help elevate your college success and develop skills for your career. People will learn to trust your ability to find the answer and network!

2: Be Involved Outside of Class:

You might be working and going to school at the same time! And that is very admirable! But if at all possible try and sneak in some on campus involvement in clubs, groups, or events. Some ideas include: 

  • Intramural sports

  • Honors societies

  • Subject clubs (like Psychology club, chess club)

  • Student Government

  • Participate in campus events (sporting events, fairs or other on campus activities)

Not only will this help you increase your likelihood for college success, it can begin to boost your network. Networking isn’t just for folks already in the professional world, networking is for everyone. Start building your network with people you meet at school!

3: Organize Everything: 

I have heard people say; “the people with the messiest desks/rooms are the most organized. They always know where things are”. Whatever your organizational style is, improve upon it and utilize it to your advantage! Embrace yourself and your style! To increase your likelihood of college success, you can add or perfect these key skills: 

  • Use a calendar, map out your life and plan ahead

  • Organize your time-a.k.a. time management

  • Sort and organize your notes so they are easy to find and easy to use

These skills will not only help you succeed in college, they are skills that employers expect you to have!

4:  Be Curious- Ask Questions:

Ask questions about everything under the sun! Be brave and ask questions to increase your college success  in these types of situations: 

-In class: This shows you are engaged in class. Asking questions about what you are learning will improve your ability to remember the information later.

-Outside of class: “Huh.. I wonder….” is the perfect time to ask questions. For example, finding support outside the classroom or locating services that can support you. Without asking yourself the question, you might not motivate yourself to find the answer. 

Curiosity is a skill that employers want you to have. They don’t want to hire robot employees, they want to hire humans. That is not why they will hire you! They will hire you because you’re educated, but also because you can add positively to the organization through curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.


It is a buzzword flying around the world of education. If you have NOT heard it yet,  this is the definition (thank you “firmness of mind or spirit :  unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger”

College classes can be a world of hardship and risk! It is a lot of work (hardship) and you are always at risk of a bad grade (danger). The qualities that make up GRIT in a student, are qualities that YOU can absolutely learn to adopt for yourself.

Components of Grit

→ Goal-directedness- This means you have a direct idea of where you are going and how to get there. 

This can be a very hard thing for anyone! Most especially if you are an undeclared major! But this is where those other helpful tips I mentioned before come in. If you are unsure of where you are going, seek help. You could schedule free consultation with me, find a career counselor at your college, or ask your advisor.

→ Motivation-This means drive, ambition to complete your goal(s). You must dig deep within yourself to find your motivation for accomplishing the goal you set out (for example, completing your degree, running a marathon, etc). 

Having trouble with your motivation? Fear NOT! There are little tricks that you can do to help yourself along! Here are a couple that I have seen success with→ 

  • Try hooking up with some other people who are pursuing the same goals as you. Remember when I said that you should get involved on campus? Well this is why! Their energy will rub off on you!

  • Set up baby steps! Set up small wins.  For example, a small achievement might be to complete an assignment, or one sentence of your paper, or 30 minutes of study. Once you make that achievement, it will raise your confidence to conquer and win the next challenge! Just “put one foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking out the door!” (Thank you Santa Claus is Coming to Town the claymation version)

→ Self-control-This means zoning in (or locking in) on what needs to get done and letting nothing stand in your way!

If part of your goal is to complete one paragraph of your essay, let nothing stand in your way of that goal. Say NO to hanging out with friends, turn off the distractions (a.k.a. cell phone), give up a shift at work, lock yourself in your room. Do whatever you need to do to achieve your goal.

Tip-Utilize those Reference Librarians your college has. They are a HUGE help in finding great research resources for writing great papers! 

→ Positive mind-set -Remember in the definition of GRIT it states “unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger”. The only way to be unyielding in the face of hardship is to keep a positive mindset. 

Easier said than done! Here are a few of many tricks that can help you improve your mindset: 

  • Movement or exercise

  • Acting as if- pretending that you are positive will help you feel positive

  • Faking a smile- if you fake a smile you brain will think you are smiling and help change your mood

  • 5 minute gratitude journaling

Grit is passion and perseverance! You simply don’t let setbacks stop you. If you fall off the horse, you get right back on. Want to learn more about Grit? Watch Angela Ducksworth discuss it here: Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth

The Secret Ingredient

The secret ingredient in the entire recipe for success is you! Your openness and bravery to try new ingredients proven to help you. Let’s face it, trying new things is scary! Just START SMALL. Try one small thing. Maybe one small change each week. Whatever you feel is doable. Once you do find your recipe for success, it's all devil food chocolate cake from there!

To be the most successful student YOU can be-

  • Ask for help

  • Be involved on campus

  • Be Organized with your stuff and time

  • Be Curious

  • GRIT-Set your goals, zone in, let nothing stop you and stay positive!

  • Be Brave and try new things

Would you like to have consistent support to develop these skills? Or explore your goals and direction?  That’s why I am here!  Email me or schedule a free consult- or vising

Has what I said apply to what you are already doing?

Is there something I did not consider that has kept you a successful student? 

I would love to know! Leave a comment!


How to Approach Your College Professor with Confidence: Tips and Strategies